PIP Testimonials & Photos

“This was a thoroughly enjoyable event with the opportunity to meet and interact with very knowledgeable people from the industry. A must to attend for anyone in this industry. I look forward to the next event.”
— Derrick Hemmings, Sun Chemical

“PIP has provided a great opportunity for industrial printers to network. There isn’t a lot of of this type of opportunity outside of PIP.”
— Steve Nelson, Easiway Systems

“Really enjoyed the guest speakers and their different ways to interpret things. Not everyone finds value in customers the same way, and it was really nice to be able to see different ways to share valuable information.”
— Marie Erickson, EO Johnson Business Technologies

“I enjoyed seeing several of the innovative solutions incorporated into the printing process at Empire. As one who looks to solve problems, this was right up my alley.”
— Bryce Wilder, McLoone Metal Graphics

“All the people we talked to were excellent, high-quality professionals. They knew what they wanted, and we delivered! Great show!”
— Rick Weiss, Saati

“Everyone within Empire Screen has done an outstanding job putting this event together. What a great way to get your customers, vendors, and peers together.”
— Brigitte Divito, Fimor North America

“I must say, being in the printing business for over 25 years, this was the best of the shows from a manufacture’s perspective. The quality of the speakers to the professional staff was outstanding.”
— Sean Cummins, Prototype & Production Systems Incorporated

“The contacts that we made at Partners in Printing proved to be extremely beneficial to our organization. We look forward to enhancing these relationships and plan to attend any events in the future.”
— Bill Smith, Saati Americas

“Well coordinated and a great schedule of events to network with business professionals—perhaps one of the best events I have attended with regard to networking, social events, and learning content.”
— Bob Lee, Insulectro

“It was great to see many familiar faces and to reconnect with them. The overall event allowed NECAL to build stronger relationships and meet new personnel in the business. I am seeing emails already in my inbox on new opportunities.”
— Pam Phipps, NECAL Corporation

“As I’m new to the industry, the expo was effective for me to see and speak with a lot of different suppliers and partners, and to learn a lot of the basics and understand some trends.”
— Pete Couture, Eastprint

“The Empire Team was very friendly and helpful. I was impressed by the desire to help.”
— Craig Greenwood, Xerox

“I thoroughly enjoyed the expo. It was a great way to meet people in all types of industries and get connected. The concert on Thursday night was so much fun!”
— Josh Dirks, CPC Printing & Promotions

“I’d like to thank especially Jennifer and Doug for their outstanding dedication, organization, management and engaging human interface skills. What a team to applaud and respect so easily! Thank you all again and we look forward to 2020.”
— Peter Weber, dlp imaging corp.

“We found [your vendor show] to be very beneficial business-wise and also a fine time with your team and other suppliers. You and your team should be commended for a job well done!”
— Michael Beck, Phoseon Technology

“It was a pleasure finally meeting [Lori] in person yesterday at the event. It was my first time to attend and I was very impressed by your company. I will plan to make this a ‘must attend’ in the future.”
— Steve Paskach, Arrowhead

“Thank you so much for organizing the Partners in Printing Show. It was the best one yet! You and your team did a fantastic job with all of the logistics, speakers, Wisconsin BBQ, Networkers Afterparty, vendor fair, plant tours, and the charity golf tournament. I am very impressed and honored to be a part of such a great company, especially after hearing oodles of positive comments from other reps, vendors, and especially from customers. My customers walked away with a better understanding of our capabilities and discussed new ideas which is very exciting. Job well done, thank you!”
— Sharon Erler, Empire Screen Printing

“I wanted to thank you for the awesome sales meeting. I hope that Ira had a good time golfing with us. He is an avid bow hunter and a very nice guy.”
— Rich Buetow, Knight/Reber & Associates