Hobbies & Adventures November 2018 Photography

by Doug Billings
“I enjoy photographing roadside oddities. This was captured at the Great River Road as I traveled with my wife Rachele. As one explores this great country, the creativity of people never ceases to amaze me.
“Beginning in the days of Henry Ford’s Model-Ts, travelers began to whiz by faster and faster, overlooking the many vendors and shops trying to peddle products. The solution was to build large, over-the-top statues and other advertising gimmicks to lure people to stop. These oddities make the drive across America much more enjoyable.”

by Doug Billings
“This photograph was taken minutes after a dark, gloomy rainy day in the spring of 2017. I photograph nature, and this shot was taken in Onalaska, Wisconsin. I was alone when I took it. To gaze out on a colorful sunset or a magnificent mountain range has humbled me with a sense of awe in the world we live in.”