Empire Takes Home 2 SGIA Golden Image Awards!

Special thanks to Pearl Street Brewery and Interior Systems International for their support and wonderful artwork!
The results are in, and SGIA has awarded Empire two 2019 SGIA Golden Image awards. One was in interior design — digital, and the other was decals/labels/stickers — single/multicolor.
We’re proud of this achievement. The competition was dizzying: several hundred entries in 53 product categories. Yet we took home two handsome rewards for our hard work, and we couldn’t have done it without our dedicated team here at Empire.
“Congratulations to you and the team for the bronze and gold awards (the PSB label is absolutely awesome!). In addition to the high-quality printing and creative solutions that you had presented, we understand and appreciate that putting together entries like these takes a lot of hard and thoughtful work. Applause to everyone on your team!”
— Jerry Vuich, Interior Systems International