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Charity Golf Winners

To finish up the National Sales Meeting: Partners in Printing event, Empire hosted a charity golf tournament.

The tournament was on Friday, July 20, and all proceeds from the event benefitted the Live To Be Foundation.

The winners are:

3rd place: Travis Horstman (Oktoberfest), Doug Kuehn (Empire Screen Printing), Dave Knight (sales rep), and Big Vinny (musician)

2nd place: Simone Secco (Demak), Adam Gropp (Demak), John Freismuth (Empire Screen Printing), and JD Pitzer (Impact Printing)

1st place: Rich Buetow (sales rep), Ira Dean (musician), and Sam Kelly (Sharp Packaging)

Special hole event winners:
Closest to the pin: Ian Munnoch (sales rep)
Longest drive: Sam Kelly (Sharp Packaging)

Thank you to everyone who participated in the charity golf event!



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